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Over 40% of fatal child abuse victims under age of 1, survey shows

A total of 72 children died as a result of abuse in fiscal 2022, a decline of two from the previous year, according to a report released Thursday by a special committee of the Children and Families Agency.
Excluding cases of murder-suicide, the number of children who died from abuse stood at 56. The majority of victims were infants, with 25 under the age of 1, accounting for more than 40% of the total. Of these, nine died on the day they were born.
The agency pointed out that the isolation of mothers struggling with unplanned pregnancies contributed to the deaths of newborns. The committee recommended that national and local governments strengthen consultation services and support systems.
The report revealed that 23 of the perpetrators were the children’s biological mothers, the highest proportion among the cases examined. Regarding the causes of deaths, failing to provide food and other forms of neglect were responsible for 24 cases, while physical abuse, including beating and kicking, accounted for 17.
The committee also analyzed fatal cases of child abuse between fiscal 2011 and 2021. It found that households frequently relocating within short periods experienced a lack of proper case handovers between local governments, leading to their situations worsening.
The report also emphasized the need for early information sharing to prevent further tragedies.
